What is Health Insurance ?

Health insurance policy is essential because the cost of hospital treatments are rising day by day. If an accident or critical illness happens to you, it will cause a huge financial burden on you and your family. Truth is that whether your trip to hospital is planned or unplanned, it is sure to cost you heavily.                                  Health insurance policy is a product that protects you against the financial implications of a wide variety of health related expenses, ranging from those caused by minor illnesses and injuries to critical diseases. Therefore, health insurance plans serve as a protective financial shield for you should you be faced with a major medical expense.

Why Do I Need Health Insurance

Benefits of Health Insurance

Types of Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance in India is the one that can adequately fulfill your specific financial needs. To be able to make an decision before purchasing, you must know the many types of health insurance plans, commonly required are:

Who Must and Can Buy Health Insurance Plans ?

Purchasing a health insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones is a crucial financial decision. Resorting to medical insurance has become a necessity because of how expensive medical care is, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle-driven world.                                                              Therefore, if you are a salaried or self-employed individual who has dependents to take care of, you must invest in a health insurance policy. Furthermore, buying the health insurance plan becomes essential if:

Factors Affecting Your Health Insurance Premium

The fast-paced lifestyle that we live today, with so many stressors around us, some unhealthy habits that we adopt might become a roadblock in availing a good health insurance policy. The cost of health insurance plans and the premium amount paid varies significantly for insurers and the insured based on several factors:

Exclusions in Health Insurance Policy

Health insurance policy offer coverage which varies from one insurer to insurer. But, there are few common which are not covered by health policy. Following is some of the most common health insurance plan exclusions you should be aware of:


Any Individual with regular and extreme drinking habits may have to pay higher premiums to get financial security. This is because excessive drinking has been linked to cases of renal and liver disease, high blood pressure, and other serious health issues.

Family Medical History

Few individuals have a medical history of certain diseases that are passed on to new generations. Such pre-dispositions put some people at a greater risk for diseases. This is also a factor that affects your health insurance premiums.


Individuals exposed to a stressful or dangerous working environment have higher chances of developing a disease or illness. In case your occupation makes you susceptible to accidents, it can affect your premium rates.


Registered Office

Pinakin Insurance Solutions LLP
Office A-14, Privia Business Center, Next to PCMC RTO office, Moshi, Pune-412105.