Workmen’s Compensation Insurance
What is Workmen’s Compensation?
The Workmen’s Compensation policy enables the employer to pay the compensation to the employees or for their family in case of death or bodily injury (permanent partial disablement / permanent total disablement / temporary disablement) caused due to injury and accident at workplace (including certain occupational disease) arising out of and in the course of employment.
Workmen’s Compensation Insurance policy covers the legal liability of the employers under the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 and Fatal Accident Act 1855. Despite the preventive measures and safety precautions taken, accidents at your workplace are inevitable. This policy provides coverage for medical expenditure, occupational disease, compressed air disease and terrorism.
Policy covers Accidental death, Permanent total or Partial Disability and Temporary total disability. Add on cover can be opted which include Medical Extension, Compressed Air Disease, Occupational Disease, Terrorism and Sub Contractor Coverage.